Saturday, September 16, 2017

Student Voice

     A wildly, important goal that I am working on is student voice. Student voice is something I have been working towards and consider it to be an important component in my classroom.  Student voice “is the individual and collective perspective and action of students within the context of learning and education". I started a classroom podcast for my students to share their learning through Podbean.  My plan is to use our podcast station as an outlet to share our learning outside of the walls of our classroom.  I believe student voice matters and when students feel significant they drive their own learning.  According to The Express Tribune student voice “can also strengthen student achievement and foster workforce readiness.”  My goal is to prepare students with tools they can use outside the classroom door.  I don’t think technology can replace the teacher but it is a great tool to promote engagement and teaches skills needed for tomorrow’s world.

Summerford Stars Podcast

Salim, A. S. (2015, September 17). The importance of giving students a voice.
Retrieved September 10, 2017, from


1 comment:

  1. Yes! The podcasts are a great way for students to take an active role in their learning and to share with parents the learning taking place.
