Sunday, November 19, 2017

Scouts Can't Wait!

      Disruptive innovation is important because it can be a catalyst for change in education because those willing to take the risk can persuade others to follow.  It comes about by scouts who are willing to explore and collect data in order to lead change in our schools.  It’s not about giving up all of the ways we have taught our students, it’s about how we can customize the students’ needs.  Michael Horn describes how using the blended learning model can personalize learning for our students. Personalized learning gives students a sense of ownership. Students who control their time, place, path, or pace are more likely to fill gaps in their learning because they do not move on until mastery is met. One way to that I allow students to control their pace and place is through Canvas LMS. It enables my classroom to be a blended learning environment through online learning. Canvas lessons are set up for the week and students can work through them at their own pace and place because it’s available to them at home or school. In class, students move through activities using a choice board along with an accountability sheet. I use a combination of the station rotation model and individual model to meet the needs of my students.  Technology should be used because of a content idea and a way for students to showcase their learning with the world. I’m so excited to be reading “Blending” because it confirms some of the things I have already started in my classroom.  Since reading “Blending” I have begun to make even more changes that can help personalize my students learning.

Horn, M. B. (2015). Blended: using disruptive innovation to improve schools. San Francisco, CA:

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