Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Leadership is Key

     Chambers and Speirs describe what creates a successful initiative in their podcast What Makes a Tech Friendly Head of School?”.  They describe that a successful initiative is determined by leadership.  Leaders must willing to set the vision and lead the way through modeling the required expectations. These leaders must also commit to what they are expecting others to do. For example,  if the school initiative is using Twitter to tell the school story then the leadership must model this behavior as well. They should also be knowledgeable about the initiative project and be able to articulate their message with others. It’s important for these leaders to seek out others to join their innovation and empathize with those who can’t relate to the plan. The most important key to creating a successful initiative is being flexible and building upon the failures.

Chambers, B., & Speirs, F. (Out of School). (2016, January 11). 164: Deploy 2016, part 2: What makes a tech friendly head of school?[Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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